Monday, June 4, 2012

June Specials

June is Parasite Prevention Month!
Come in to take advantage of special savings on some of your favorite products and services recommended by our staff!

15% OFF Heartworm tests and fecal tests
We now have a map of OKC in the waiting room that will track all heartworm positive dogs seen at Swaims. We are working on marking each positive this week.The number of heartworm positive dogs is shocking and it only takes one infected mosquito to give these parasites to your pet! Even inside pets are at risk!
Intestinal worms also pose a serious threat to your pet and not all worms can be seen by the human eye. If your pet hasn't been tested in a while there is no better time than now to have it done.

10% off Knockout Flea Killer Products including flea foggers and area treatments.
Knockout Area Treatment ES is one of our top vet recommended products to get rid of fleas in your home!

k9 Advantix & Advantage- Buy 6 pack, get 2 doses free!

Frontline Plus- Buy 3 pack, get 1 free. Buy 6 pack, get 2 free doses!

Vectra 3D- Buy 6 pack, get 3 free doses!